Apologies for my tardiness in updates - although come to think of it I never set down a schedule so you'll just have to take pot luck, I guess! Unfortunately my internet access has been severely depleted, now that I'm not just around the corner from an internet cafe, and personal internet use prohibited at work...subsequently its even harder to get pics up for you due to reasons stated above. Anyway...
I'm working a directory/call centre job which has me riveted to my seat. Clearly. And its funny the issues the Canadians have with some of my words. For example, most of the numbers I give out contain an 822 sequence in them, and if only I had a 'loony' ($1) for every time someone repeated the number back to me as 823/832 then I'd have enough money to not worry about this...lovely...job. They also have no idea what I'm saying when I say 'east' or when I spell things out and say 'a' or 'e'. I might have to start working on my Canadian accent just to make myself understood...
Additionally when I introduce myself as part of my 'opening script', its like I'm talking to my grandmother from beyond they grave, as the voice on the other end of the line reels though variations of names beginning with K (and/or often C) along the lines of Carly, Connie, Karleen, or possibly a mixture of all 3. Following the clarification the inevitable what is your accent - English? Welsh? No, Australian, what number would you like?
What I have found entertaining on too few calls is people suggesting I have a "Super Day". I love it, it probably happens about once a week, and it makes me giggle everytime. Although I have had a few "Ma'am"'s though - I don't like that, it makes me feel old, particularly when I checked this status out with roomie Joel who only uses it in reference to an 'older lady'. Am I getting old? Please someone say no - even if you are lying through your teeth. I always wondered exactly when that cross over happened; when you no longer knew, or understood what the kids are listening to these days, and when you'd rather stay at home with a good bottle of red and great company...and did you see it coming.
The milk in the lunchroom has managed to confuse me though - how can milk called 2% have 130 Calories and 8% fat as opposed to something called Half & Half which contains 30 calories and 0% fat? I just don't get it. It feels like it should be the other way around - or am I just affirming the above fears?